Thursday, October 1, 2020

Ooh Well Here We Go Again - BLOGTOBER GOALS

Soweto, South Africa


Hi! Me AGAIN with disappearing for weeks on here really has to stop.
I love blogging and creating stuff but 2020 has 
been really difficult for me in all levels
(not all but most, watch out for my 2020 recap in December LOL)

The sun is out and I must say I feel a lot better I tell you,
winter 2020 has been something else. 
I really wanted to do BLOGTOBER and you know what, better late than never. 

There are a few goals I would like to achieve this BLOGTOBER and if I
write them down for the whole world to see then I will be more
inclined to follow through.

Here are a few things I would like to achieve this BLOGTOBER.

1. Get My ish together (here I mean stop procrastinating time is not on my side, I'm for real here)
2. BLOG daily since it's BLOGTOBER
3. Upload 3 video's weekly on YouTube I would like to reach 1 500 subbies (please subscribe) 
(A girl can dream right?!)
4. Get to 900 000 page views, upload frequently on Instagram and try engaging more on Twitter.  
5. Start getting out into the world (I've been self-isolating for too long)
when I say get out to the world I mean take a walk, go the store more frequently I'm talking baby steps HERE. 
6. Wash My Natural Hair Weekly (as in not neglecting my hair, it's extremely dry, everyone is like porosity porosity wtf is THAT)
7. Be more present (aka use phone for blog related things only)

This list comes from a person who is a working from home single mom, 
to a 2 year old toddler typing this blogpost at 2am because 
I just can't find some ME time (",)
Wish me luck guys. 



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