Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Soweto, South Africa

 A growing preference for natural products free from chemicals, along with a concern 

for the environment is driving the demand for herbal beauty products, which includes Rooibos.

Consumers, mostly women, are on a journey of exploration. 
They are enjoying new products and experimenting with new brands. 
This is part of a larger generational shift of younger consumers seeking out locally made, 
artisanal, natural products in all consumer categories.

Post COVID-19, the boom in home beauty treatments is likely to continue
 as consumers look for more affordable options, 
such as DIY pampering vs expensive salon treatments.

Rooibos, in its purest form, can take your beauty regime to the next level:
1.     The high concentration of polyphenolic compounds (micronutrients) in Rooibos tea is what makes it so sought-after as a health and beauty enhancer. Polyphenols act as antioxidants that protect the body against inflammation. It neutralises harmful free radicals that would otherwise damage cells and cause premature ageing. Drinking Rooibos tea should form part of your daily beauty routine to ensure healthy and hydrated skin.

2.     It also contains an abundance of the enzyme, superoxide dismutase, which is an effective anti-ageing substance. As such, Rooibos reduces wrinkles and boosts the production of healthy skin cells.

3.     The high flavonoid levels in Rooibos also helps to improve skin disorders like eczema. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties will help to soothe and relieve inflamed skin. Rooibos tea bags can be applied directly onto the affected skin for a few minutes. Bathing regularly or rinsing inflamed areas with the tea will provide a healing effect. Or, add cold Rooibos to a spray bottle and apply throughout the day or when discomfort is experienced.

4.     Inflammation is a major cause of acne and when your skin is damaged, it’s more vulnerable to bacteria which can aggravate acne. In addition to the tea’s anti-inflammatory response it also contains antibacterial properties that will help fight acne. Drink it regularly and/or use it as a face rinse instead of water.

5.     The polyphenols or antioxidants in Rooibos tea also strengthens hair follicles and promotes shiny and soft hair. Rinse your hair at least once a week with a strong brew of cooled down Rooibos tea for glowing locks. This is also good for treating a dry, itchy, or irritated scalp.

6.     Tired and sensitive eyes can also be treated with lukewarm Rooibos. Place tea bags on eye lids or rinse the eyes gently with the tea.

7.     Rooibos is also hypoallergenic and is therefore ideal for people with sensitive skin.

“The truth is that plants and herbs can nourish and heal from the inside out.
 Using Rooibos is one of the best ways to keep
 our bodies glowing and vibrant.”

Check out more article: 

*Meropa PR sent this article onbehalf of the SA Rooibos Council

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