Monday, August 1, 2016

July In Review

I thought that I should do a post were I sum-up my July because I only did one post, like really what kind of blogger am I?
July began in a very great note I was offered a chance to interview for a good position and guess what I got the job, so I have been familiarizing myself with a new job, new people and so far I’m enjoying it. The number of posts had to go down as my 8-5pm take first preference. 

My internet connection also was not that great which also killed my mojo when it came to posts, as I prefer to write my posts on the day off and not in advance, but I think I will be implementing the advance post method as a lot of blogger are thriving on it.
I also got to attend two events as a blogger in July and I have posted about them on my Instagram @zanelemondi and I must say *honored*, I will posting some pictures from both events aswell as sharing the messages that I got from them. 

I posted a picture on Instagram were I promised a giveaway and I will be doing it hopefully by the end of next week. I’m sorry to keep you guys waiting but it will be worth it as it will be opened for the following countries (South Africa, Botswana and Namibia). 

August is my grans birthday month and I cannot wait to spend the day with her.
I hope your July was also filled with excitement and new things.

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