Saturday, September 7, 2019

Spring 2019 | Warm Green Bean Salad

Soweto, South Africa

Hi guys hope all is well,on today's blog post we doing a warm green bean salad.
Spring is finally here and our food will show. 
The first salad we are doing is a warm green bean salad because even though 
it is Spring now the weather is just not yet agreeing with us. 

-Green Beans
-Baby Potatoes
                                          -Green Pepper                                        
-Red Pepper
-Yellow Pepper
-Romanita Tomatoes
-Salt and Black Pepper

-Red Wine Vineger
-Olive Oil

Cooking Instructions
Bring to the boil green beans,broccoli (you can microwave these also),
baby potatoes and eggs (in separate pots because they have a different cooking time) .
When your green beans and broccoli are half done stir fry them lightly 
until they are cooked.

Make your dressing by whisking together,
olive oil,red wine vinegar,mustard and your mixed herbs. 
Combine your green beans, broccoli,baby potatoes,green pepper,
red pepper,yellow pepper,romanita tomatoes,onion,eggs,salt and
pepper to taste and serve.

The sekumndani (enjoy). 

The salad is easy and simple can feed an individual or family
the serving suggestion on the egg will also be up to you, 
my family;y likes their eggs well done but I recommend the yolk to be a bit runny. 

Thanks for coming throuhg. 

Happy Cooking. 



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