Monday, September 24, 2018

Natural Hair Non Wash Day Routine

Soweto, South Africa

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. 
Hope everyone has been keeping well and okay I really cannot believe that 
I have not relaxed my hair in 2 years.
Not relaxing my hair has been the best decision I have ever made, my hairline is 
back I just wish that I didn't
bleach it last year June (I blame it on the pregnancy hormones though). 

When I did my big chop I followed a lot of blogs and watched a lot of YouTube Channels and all I can say is everyone's hair is different, 
what might work on someone else might not work for you do a lot of research. 

Ever since I had my baby I have been stressing on this "postpartum shedding thing" and really there is nothing no one can do about it, hair will shed
that is just the natural process of life, I also feel we can control how much it sheds though. 

For example my hair is best kept when I have the benny and betty style (minimum shedding and quick and easy to maintain)
Then I went on to do box braids (worst mistake), because I didn't know that my hair would tangle and shed in bulk loads when I took them out. 
No amount of part products could have saved this one because I left them on for too long. 

I'm babbling.....

Get to the point......please.
So lately I have been doing the following which my hair has been loving, wash my hair once every two or three weeks (yes I said three weeks)
but in between every 6 to 7 days I would untie my hair, first by (spraying Long & Lasting Activator Spray) just to make my
detangling process a bit quicker and better plus the spray is affordable and moisturizing, after untying my hair I would go in with my hair foods
Long & Lasting Triple Oil Rescue and Excel-E Nourisher just to add more softening and nourishing products especially in between the parts that don't usually get products 
.(You can use any spray or hair foods of your choice here I'm sharing the Long & Lasting products because they are working for me). 

I will do a more in-depth 2 year natural hair journey soon, however I'm glad I did this post it has been on my mind for a while.

Hope you enjoyed today's post. 

See You Soon.



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