Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Update | No Electricity (UPDATED 06 July 2020)

Hey guys, I hope all is well and okay.
Things on my side are a bit on the slower side of things
Our main transformer exploded on Friday night the 19th of June because of overload and being that it is in Soweto, it will take more than a week to be fixed and it Wednesday morning the 24th and electricity is still not up yet.
Hopefully by Friday our lights will be back on.
Taking a laptop out to a coffee shop is an option but during Covid times, who wants to risk it.
I know for sure that electricity comes back I will not be taking it for granted.

Please keep warm.

See you soon.

***posted via my phone.

Update********: We had to wait for Eskom to fix it which they did. 
The call took more than 3 weeks however I'm glad its back and we have lights again.
I won't take having electricity for granted again.
I would also like to thank my friends and family for helping us charge our lights and phones
during the situation.
2020 just keeps on trying us.

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